HKT Huber-Kälte-Technik GmbH – Productinfo Goeldner-Compressors for Chillventa 2008
„Pioneering concepts with Goeldner compressors“
– The HKT want’s to show inovations from the point of best efficiency if possible with the natural refrigerant ammonia, R723 and propane on the exhibition 2008th.
With it’s support and service always HKT enthuses its customers.
Keep it that way, we are the only manufacturer of ball bearings Compressors and our slogan is “Unusual concepts with unusual compressors”.
Starting with the first refrigerant compressors with built-frequency (presented at the IKK 2000) under the name Goeldner-motion series, the first chiller with R723 piped with copper (presented at the IKK 2000), the continuation of Goeldner-motion series with the integrated 15kW inverter (ICC 2006) we can only wonder whether and when the today presented Products get the state of refrigeration technologie.
At this year, the first of its compressor type with a drive power of 22kW (Hubvol. 94.5 m3 / h) and a integated inverter will be shown.
Here again, all the advantages of Goeldner-motion series will be used , to get a high energy efficiency (up to 25%), the stepless speed adjustment (20 .. 70 Hz), capatictay regulation by the suction pressure and the proverbial ease of use..
A second innovation is the first hermetisierte Goeldner compressor kit for the natural refrigerant R723 and NH 3, as presented to the prototype.
The product range is launched under the name Eco-MotionX3 Goeldner, the compressor unit with the 3-fold benefit. The ball-bearing compressor, driven by a highly efficient, variable speed synchronous motor with permanent magnet excitation and coupled via a hermetically sealed permanent magnetic coupling within the meaning of the word ecology and three-times moving.
With these ammonia units its possible to build refrigerant systems with a cooling capacity up to 100kW without shaft seal and with increased effectiveness.
At the same time it will be announced, that all direct coupling, outstanding Goeldner compressor units are now available with EFF1-Motors.
HKT also shows an air-cooled Goeldner Motion condensing unit, equipped with variable speed compressor and EC fan. These fans are quieter and more effective than the standard fan and already have the speed controller integrated.
In addition, specific applications with Goeldner compressors will be shown. A NH3 suction unit and a variable speed heat pump R290 for medium commercial properties with a heat output of up to 90kW.